Multiple Group and BISS Winning

AM & AUS CH Topsfield-Sanchu
King of Queens, ROM

CH Topsfield Maredge
Splenda, ROM

The following are out of Splenda, sired by AM & AUS CH Topsfield-Sanchu King of Queens. They were whelped March 21, 2010. They were bred by Claudia Orlandi & Sue Frischmann.

GCH & AUS CH Topsfield-Sanchu

CH Topsfield-Sanchu

CH Topsfield-Sanchu
Biscotti, ROM

AM & AUS CH Topsfield-Sanchu
King of Queens, ROM

CH Cloverhill's
Care Bear

The following are out of Care Bear, sired by AM & AUS CH Topsfield-Sanchu King of Queens, ROM. They were whelped 10/05/2009. This litter was bred by Marci Horgan & Judy Tuck.
CH Topsfield-Hilltop
Top Chef of Cloverhill
Owned by Judy Tuck & Claudia Orlandi

Can CH Topsfield-Hilltop
Ace of Cakes of Cloverhill

owned by Deirdre McKinnon & Judy Tuck

CH Hilltop's Barefoot
Contessa of Cloverhill

Owned by Marci Horgan & Judy Tuck

AM & AUS CH Topsfield-Sanchu
King of Queens, ROM

CH Topsfield-Sanchu
Dior O' Cloverhill

The following are out of Dior, sired by AM & AUS CH Topsfield-Sanchu King of Queens, ROM. They were whelped 06/10/2009. This litter was bred by Judy Tuck and Claudia Orlandi. Diamond, Spinner and Lettie are co-owned by Claudia and Judy.

CH Cloverhill-Topsfield

CH Topsfield-Sanchu
Double Diamonds of

CH Cloverhill-Topsfield
Free Spin

AM & AUS CH Topsfield-Sanchu
King of Queens, ROM

Long Bay Belle Starr

The following are out of Dior, sired by AM & AUS CH Topsfield-Sanchu King of Queens, ROM. They were whelped 06/10/2009. This litter was bred by Judy Tuck and Claudia Orlandi. Diamond, Spinner and Lettie are co-owned by Claudia and Judy.

CH Topsfield-Sanchu

The litter of 16 waiting for their breakfast to be prepared & turn down service for their beds!

Sydney finished her championship and remains at Topsfield and Victoria has joined the Topsfield-Lebrera Basset Pack in Spain. Adelaide & Tasmania are enjoying life with great families.




Pictured below is “Pete” a son of Qbie bred by Margaret Webber. He has already accomplished two Best Baby Puppy In Show wins. He is from the first litter sired by Qbie in Australia.
Kareta Pirate King
(pictured above and below at 5 months)
“Pete” was whelped July 8, 2010.
He is owned by Chris Lawrence
Beauchasseur Bassets