Chow is pictured at 7 months. She was bred by Claudia Orlandi & Claire “Kitty” Steidel.
She is owned by Claudia, Kitty and Judy Tuck. Chow finished her championship 12/03/2011. Sadly, we were never able to get Chow bred.
Chow was shown at the 2010 BHCA National Specialty where she was Reserve Winners Bitch, pictured right under B/J Sanda Launey, and won her Futurity Class under B/J Beverly Barringer-Ruggeri. She was handled at the Nationals by Bryan Martin.
CH Me-Don's
Cloverhill Encore, ROM
CH Topsfield-Sanchu
Chow is the daughter of CH Me-Don’s Cloverhill Encore, ROM & and CH Topsfield-Sanchu Prada.