Sydney was bred and is owned by Claudia Orlandi, Claire K. Steidel & Sue Frischmann.
Sydney and her sisters were from a litter of sixteen. Belle was a terrific and patient mother. Sydney and her sisters all have lovely temperaments.
Sydney and her littermates are pictured right at nine weeks, waiting for their breakfast!
Victoria is living in Spain hunting with the Topsfield-Lebrera Basset Hound pack. Addie and Taz, and the other littermates other than Sydney are in terrific homes.
AM & Aus CH Topsfield-Sanchu
King of Queens, ROM
AM GCH & AUS CH Long Bay
Belle Starr
Sydney and her littermates are the offspring of AM & AUS CH Topsfield-Sanchu King of Queens, ROM out of AM GCH & AUS CH Long Bay Belle Starr.